With graduation looming in the not so near distance students everywhere are making plans for what is comes next.
For some they may choose to continue their education. Others are looking for a job. For those individuals who are looking for a job, this is a scary time. Looking for a job in any economy is not exactly what most would consider "fun". In today's down economy it's even less so.
Getting a job is not impossible! Please say that out loud to yourself right now, I'll wait.
Okay? So now that you know it's not impossible you're probably hoping for a little insight. Your wish is my command!
Because everyone likes lists, I'm giving you another.
1) Do not stress: Yes this is a stressful situation, but that does not mean you need to stress-out. This is a time to dig deep, focus and find your determination. Stressing and becoming depressed about the economy will only lead you to be overwhelmed. This will show in every interaction you have. You must stay positive and keep moving forward.
Even when you get a no. Yes, I know this is far easier said than done. But you're well educated. That took hard work and determination right? Well just because you've got that snazzy cap and gown doesn't mean the hard work is over.
2) Work with what you have: I have been told, or read somewhere, that 85% of jobs that are filled are filled through word of mouth. I can only imagine that this is even more true in today's economy. You know people right? Chances are those people have jobs and know other people. Get out there and network!!!!!
Attend industry related networking events, seminars, conferences, etc. If you're nervous about networking try this: Attend networking events targeted at areas or industry's you have absolutely no desire to work in. You'll have lots of questions to ask the other people (filling up those awkward silences) and if you flub it up, you haven't ruined your rep in that circle. Even better still you're getting PRACTICE! Networking is not a skill we are born with. Check out Chris Brogan's latest blog entry on networking for some really great tips! (He gets bonus points for using the word 'pirate' in the title.)
Let everyone you know, know that you're looking for a job and in what field. You want to be in the fore front of their mind when they hear of an opening. Carry business cards with you everywhere you go! You just never know!
3) Know what you want: This seems obvious. Sure it does. If I were to ask you right now what type/kind of job you are searching for what would you say? Many people I ask this question of respond with: "Uhm, well, yeah, anything in finance I guess." Really? If I were a potential contact or employer that wouldn't impress me very much. Joanna Lord at The Online Beat (a job search board and informative blog) has a great post on goal setting. The post is called "Stop Skipping the First Step People" for a reason. Now go read that. I'll wait here.
Didn't know this was going to be so much work huh?
4) Be flexible: Don't be afraid to challenge your own status quo. Take a good look at all of your experience and skills. Rearrange them and see how you can leverage the whole to better position yourself in today's market.
So you used to sell cars, but now you've got an MBA and you're interested in getting into marketing. Well just imagine how many auto dealerships could use some marketing help right now! You have a passion for fine wine and a penchant for finance? Maybe it's time to start your own consulting biz targetted at wine makers.
The dream job you think you're after might just be the wrong one. Be willing to look outside of your bubble! You might be surprised by what you find when you're being open minded and creative.
5) Rinse and Repeat: So you're focused, networked and your goals are set. I said it before, and I'm going to say it again: You must stay positive and keep moving forward.
Because the economy is down and so many people are looking for work the competition is going to be even greater than it was a couple of years ago. This is your chance to shine! You will have to work harder, turn in more applications, and network more but it will also pay off. Do not get discouraged when you get a 'no'. Try to use these situations as learning experience's. Figure out what you can do better next time.
Your persistence and positive attitude will pay off with a paycheck soon enough and when the economy turns around you'll be perfectly positioned for exponential growth!
Tuesday links: the weighing machine
11 hours ago
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